Turkey’s aid foundation begins qurban sacrifice program in Africa

Turkey’s Presidency of Religious Affairs Foundation (Diyanet Vakfı), as part of its sacrificial animal (qurban) donation program, has begun the slaughtering and distribution of sacrificial animals in Niger.

Under the theme “Share Your Qurban, Get Closer to Your Brother,” organized jointly by the Presidency of Religious Affairs and Diyanet Vakfı, volunteers from Turkey and various countries have completed preparations to perform qurban sacrifices in Niger for the year 2024 through proxy arrangements.

TDV volunteers have started slaughtering sacrificial animals at 30 locations across the country.

Following the support of local residents in the slaughtering efforts, TDV will deliver 25,000 shares of qurban meat to those in need throughout the festival.

Meanwhile, it was observed that soldiers in the country took security measures at qurban slaughter points.

Mustafa Sağır, a volunteer from Istanbul’s Mufti Office in Niger, told AA correspondent that they started slaughtering sacrificial animals as of the first day of Eid al-Adha.

Sağır explained that they conduct the qurban slaughters in accordance with Islamic rules and hygiene standards, expressing happiness to be in Niger and assist needy families. He thanked the donors, saying, “May Allah be pleased with all of them.”

Volunteer Alli Çalış stated that they are tasked with delivering qurban animals donated to Diyanet Vakfı to the people of Niger, adding, “We distribute the shares of our donors to the poor, orphaned, and widowed brothers and sisters. We thank the Turkish people who made these donations.”

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