Turkish embassy donates clothes to children’s home in South Africa

The Turkish embassy in South Africa Thursday donated a consignment of clothes to the Jacaranda Kinderhuis children home in the capital Pretoria for the festive season.

“From the bottom of our hearts, we want to thank the ambassador for donating huge bags of clothing to our children and having a special visit to our facilities in East Lynne, Pretoria,’’ Ina Kotze, the marketing and fundraising officer of the home, said.

Jakaranda is home to children placed for care by the children’s court. It has 20 houses accommodating 198 children including 95 boys and 103 girls. The children are aged between 3-18 years.

“We really don’t have the appropriate words to express our sincere gratitude towards this generosity. We are indeed lost for words,’’ Kotze said after ambassador Aysegul Kandas delivered the donations.

The home said the donation received from the Turkish embassy was the largest ever since its inception in 1987.

Kandas and her delegation were given a tour of the facility where they met the house mothers and children.

The home provides children with therapy, medical care and a home where they can feel safe and loved. The home also transports children to 23 different schools across the city, according to Kotze.

Writer Marion Smith, who assisted with the coordination and arranging of events at the home, said in December that the home holds its biggest annual fundraising event, the lights festival for Christmas.

“Our vision is to raise empowered enablers and break the cycle by placing well-developed individuals back into the community the day they leave the children’s home, in order for them to make a difference in their respective communities,’’ Kotze said.

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