UN: Famine looms as Sudanese war displaces millions

Sudan is grappling with a massive displacement crisis, with over 10 million people forced to flee their homes due to the ongoing war, according to the International Organization for Migration (IOM). This staggering number represents roughly a quarter of the country’s entire population.

The IOM reports that more than 2 million Sudanese have fled abroad, seeking refuge in neighboring Chad, South Sudan, and Egypt. The remaining internally displaced population includes 2.8 million who were displaced by previous conflicts.

“The situation is dire,” stated IOM Director-General Amy Pope. “Imagine a city the size of London being uprooted, constantly under threat of violence, famine, and disease.”

The war, which erupted in April 2023, has had a devastating impact on Sudan. Over 14,000 lives have been lost, with thousands more injured. The conflict has also pushed the country to the brink of famine, prompting warnings from the UN food agency.

With a lack of humanitarian access due to the ongoing fighting, the risk of widespread starvation grows. The IOM is urging the international community to step up its support, highlighting that only a fraction of the requested funding has been received.

Sudan’s displacement crisis is a stark reminder of the human cost of war. As millions struggle within the country and beyond its borders, the international community must act swiftly to alleviate suffering and prevent further catastrophe.

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