US pledges to hold accountable those who undermine efforts to end war in Sudan

The United States has pledged to hold accountable those who undermine efforts to end the ongoing war in Sudan that erupted in mid-April.

Meanwhile, the United Nations Human Rights Council is poised to adopt a resolution to establish an international committee to investigate violations by the parties involved.

The international community has intensified its efforts to hold accountable those hindering the efforts to end the ongoing war between the army and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in the Sudanese capital and various other regions, as well as perpetrators of violations targeting civilians during the clashes that resulted in the death of over 5,000 people and the displacement of around 5 million.

Linda Thomas-Greenfield, the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, stated in a brief statement posted on the U.S. Embassy’s Facebook page in Khartoum that her country will hold accountable those who undermine peace and democratic transition in Sudan.

These statements come less than a week after the U.S. Treasury Department imposed sanctions on the Secretary-General of the Islamic Movement in Sudan, Ali Karti, for his “role in undermining peace, security, and stability in Sudan and his involvement, along with other radical Islamists, in obstructing efforts to cease fire and end the war.”

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