Zambia sentences Chinese sybercrime gang to lengthy prison terms

A cybercrime syndicate operating from Zambia has been brought to justice, with 22 Chinese nationals and one Cameroonian receiving significant prison sentences for their involvement in online scams.

In a poignant scene at the Lusaka Magistrates Court, Gu Tianjiao, the only woman among the convicts, was visibly emotional as she received a seven-year sentence. Leading the group was Li Xianlin, identified as the mastermind, who was sentenced to 11 years behind bars. Alongside the prison terms, fines ranging from $1,500 to $3,000 were imposed.

The syndicate’s fraudulent activities had a global reach, impacting victims from countries including Singapore, Peru, and the UAE. Their crimes encompassed a spectrum from computer-related deception to identity theft and the operation of illicit networks.

The crackdown ensued following the apprehension of 77 suspects associated with what authorities described as a “sophisticated internet fraud syndicate.”

The operation was centered around a Chinese-owned company in Lusaka, Golden Top Support Services, located in an affluent neighborhood. The company, which has yet to officially respond to the allegations, was the focal point of the law enforcement operation.

Meanwhile, Zambian nationals implicated in the scheme were released on bail after facing charges in April, with the aim of aiding ongoing investigations.

During the raid, law enforcement seized a multitude of devices utilized for deceptive communications, including SIM cards and equipment enabling the concealment of callers’ locations.

The magnitude of the operation became evident with the confiscation of over 13,000 SIM cards, both domestic and international, and the uncovering of 11 SIM boxes capable of rerouting calls through legitimate phone networks. Additionally, authorities confiscated firearms, ammunition, and vehicles associated with the syndicate’s illicit activities.

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