Zimbabwean opposition figure wins first court battle

Job Sikhala, a prominent Zimbabwean opposition figure, was acquitted of a charge of obstructing the course of justice.

The conviction had been handed down in May after Sikhala allegedly blamed the ruling ZANU-PF party for the death of Moreblessing Ali, an activist.

Sikhala’s lawyer, Harrison Nkomo, stated that the charismatic politician would remain in custody due to multiple charges against him.

The former lawmaker was initially arrested in June 2022 for inciting public violence following Ali’s death.

At the time, Sikhala was already facing trial for inciting violence and publishing falsehoods in other cases.

While in custody, he was slapped with additional charges of obstructing the course of justice.

The conviction barred Sikhala from contesting national elections held in August, which were won by ZANU-PF amidst opposition fraud allegations.

International observers deemed the vote undemocratic, and political tensions have since escalated. The CCC claims its members have faced intimidation.

Critics have long accused ZANU-PF, in power since independence in 1980, of using the courts to silence dissent.

Obert Masaraure, a spokesman for Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition, a civil society umbrella group, urged continued efforts for Sikhala’s release and other political prisoners.

Sikhala’s acquittal marks his first court victory despite over 60 arrests throughout his career.

In court, Sikhala comforted a distraught relative, assuring them he would be alright.

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