Zuma’s MK party prepares to lead South Africa’s opposition allianc...

Former South African President Jacob Zuma’s party, uMkhonto weSizwe (MK), is preparing to join an alliance of opposition parties to counter the ruling African National Congress (ANC) and its newly formed parliamentary alliance.

The MK party, alongside the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), aims to establish a new force in South African politics, potentially replacing the long-standing Democratic Alliance (DA) as the main opposition since 1999.

In this year’s election, the ANC faced a significant setback by failing to secure a parliamentary majority. President Ramaphosa retained his position with support from ANC-aligned members of parliament, as well as backing from the DA and other parties.

Both Zuma’s MK party and Malema’s EFF originated from the ANC amidst internal disputes within the ruling party and their focus on addressing economic empowerment issues for black South Africans. They criticize the ANC for allegedly neglecting its black constituents.

South Africa continues to grapple with severe challenges, including high unemployment rates, inequality, and pervasive violent crime.

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