Abducted German priest regains freedom after Mali ordeal

German Catholic priest, Hans-Joachim Lohre, who was believed to have been abducted in Mali, has been freed, officials announced on Sunday.

An official from the archdiocese revealed that Father Lohre, missing since November 20, 2022, was liberated and is currently en route to his home country on a plane.

The information was confirmed by a government official, but no additional details about the circumstances of his release were provided to the public.

Lohre, scheduled to conduct Mass in Mali’s capital, disappeared, leaving his car parked outside his residence, and calls to his phone remained unanswered, going straight to voicemail.

Although widely suspected to be kidnapped, no group or individual has claimed responsibility for Lohre’s disappearance, adding mystery to the circumstances surrounding his release.

Having spent approximately 30 years in Mali, Father Lohre dedicated his time to teaching inter-religious dialogue at the Islamo-Christian Institute, attracting students globally.

Mali, plagued by persistent violence, has seen frequent kidnappings of both foreigners and locals for criminal or ideological reasons, with such incidents more prevalent outside the capital.

As the priest makes his journey home, the case sheds light on the challenges faced in regions marked by conflict, where individuals become targets for various motivations.

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