Canada to train Caribbean troops for Haiti mission

Canada is currently dispatching approximately 70 soldiers to Jamaica to conduct training sessions for troops hailing from Caribbean nations. These troops are slated to participate in a United Nations-sanctioned operation in Haiti, as per a statement issued by the Canadian defense ministry on Saturday.

Last year, Kenya had pledged to spearhead this mission, aimed at assisting the Haitian national police in combating formidable gang activities that have exacerbated a dire humanitarian crisis in the region. However, legal challenges within Kenya have stalled the initiative, effectively halting the mission’s progress.

The Canadian troops, hailing primarily from the French-speaking province of Quebec, will impart essential training on peacekeeping techniques and combat first aid, aligning with the language diversity in Haiti, where French is one of the official languages.

During their stay in Jamaica, initially scheduled for a month, these troops will train approximately 330 soldiers from Jamaica, Belize, and the Bahamas.

Canada had previously committed C$80.5 million to facilitate the deployment of the Kenyan-led mission, underscoring its support for regional efforts in addressing the crisis in Haiti.

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