China: UN cease-fire resolution ‘binding’ on Israel

China and Pakistan Tuesday emphasized “UN Security Council resolutions are binding” on Israel — specifically concerning the Gaza Strip and rejecting US claims to the contrary.

China “calls on the parties concerned to fulfill their obligations under the UN Charter and to take due action as required by the resolution,” Lin said in response to a question by Anadolu about comments by the US top envoy to the UN who claimed a resolution passed Monday was “non-binding” on parties to the conflict in Gaza, which has been under an onslaught by Israel since Oct. 7.

More than 32,333 Palestinians have since been killed and over 74,694 injured amid mass destruction and shortages of necessities.

The UN Charter stipulates that all Security Council resolutions are legally binding under international law.

The Council passed a resolution demanding a cease-fire in Gaza during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan, which began March 11 and is set to end April 9.

Fourteen countries on the 15-member Council voted in favor of the resolution that was presented by 10 members. The US abstained.

The resolution demanded an “immediate cease-fire for the month of Ramadan respected by all parties leading to a lasting sustainable cease-fire.”

It also insisted on the “immediate and unconditional release of all hostages, as well as ensuring humanitarian access to address their medical and other humanitarian needs.”

Pakistan’s top diplomat at the UN also doubled down on the need to follow the UN Charter with regard to the Council resolution on a cease-fire in Gaza.

”All resolutions adopted by the UN Security Council are binding in nature under provisions of the UN Charter,” Munir Akram told the Xinhua news agency. “If Israel doesn’t implement the resolution demanding an immediate ceasefire, the Security Council needs to consider measures to enforce compliance.”

After the resolution passed, the Chinese top diplomat to the UN, Zhung Jun, told the Council: “If fully and effectively implemented, (the resolution) could still bring long-awaited hope. Security Council resolutions are binding.”

Without directly naming the US and Israel, Lin said Beijing “expects the state with significant influence to play a positive role on the party concerned, including by using all necessary and effective means at their disposal to support the implementation of the resolution.”

The Council “must continue to follow closely the situation in Gaza and get ready for further actions when necessary to ensure the timely and full implementation of the resolution,” said Lin.

“China will continue to make unremitting efforts together with all parties to bring an early end to the fighting in Gaza, alleviate the humanitarian catastrophe, and implement the two-state solution,” he added.

⁠Akram said Islamabad will continue to work with the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the Arab Group at the UN “to chart the way forward” on the implementation of a cease-fire.

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