EU Parliament calls for humanitarian corridors to Gaza

 Expressing grave concern over the rapidly deteriorating situation in the Gaza Strip, the European Parliament (EP) called Thursday for the establishment of humanitarian corridors.

The call was part of a resolution on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict adopted in parliament with 500 votes in favor, 21 against and 24 abstentions, the EP said in a statement.

It emphasized the importance of differentiating between the Palestinian people and their legitimate aspirations on the one side and the Hamas group on the other.

“MEPs (Members of the European Parliament) urge the international community to continue and increase its humanitarian assistance to the civilian population in the area,” it said.

“They call on Egypt and Israel to cooperate with the international community to establish humanitarian corridors to the Gaza Strip.”

The resolution also called for an independent investigation into the recent deadly airstrike on Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital in northern Gaza, which killed hundreds and injured many others, “to establish whether this was a deliberate attack and a war crime and, if so, calls for the perpetrators to be held accountable.”

Additionally, they condemned Hamas’s attack on Israel and underlined the need to “eliminate the terrorist organization.”

The EP recognizes Israel’s right to defend itself, it said, but any actions by Israel “must strictly comply with international humanitarian law.”

“MEPs therefore call for a ‘humanitarian pause’ of the fighting and stress that attacking civilians and civilian infrastructure, including UN workers, medical workers and journalists, is a serious violation of international law,” it added.

At least 471 people were killed and 342 others injured in the Israeli airstrike on the medical facility, according to the Gaza Health Ministry. Israel has denied responsibility, however.

The conflict began on Oct. 7 when the Palestinian group Hamas initiated Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, a multi-pronged surprise attack that included a barrage of rocket launches and infiltrations into Israel by land, sea and air. 

It said the incursion was in retaliation for the storming of Al-Aqsa Mosque and growing violence by Israeli settlers against Palestinians.

The Israeli military then launched Operation Swords of Iron against Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip.

Gaza, under heavy bombardment and blockade, is experiencing a dire humanitarian crisis with no electricity, while water, food, fuel and medical supplies are running out.

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