Global outrage over Israeli strike on Rafah tent camp

After an Israeli airstrike in Gaza’s Rafah city claimed the lives of at least 35 individuals in a tent camp on Sunday, European leaders voiced strong condemnation, urging adherence to a World Court ruling to halt Israel’s offensive.

Scenes of mourning unfolded as families hurried to hospitals to prepare for burials, with women weeping and men praying beside shrouded bodies.

The strike targeted an area designated as a safe zone, exacerbating the toll on civilians already facing the grim realities of an ongoing conflict. Despite global outcry, Israeli tanks persisted in bombarding eastern and central areas of the city, resulting in additional casualties, according to local health officials.

Israel defended the airstrike, citing “precise intelligence” and claiming to have targeted Hamas fighters responsible for attacks. However, the attack drew criticism from Israel’s top military prosecutor, who deemed it “very grave” and announced an investigation.

The devastating impact of the airstrike was evident in the Tel Al-Sultan neighborhood, where thousands sought refuge amid escalating violence. Many of the casualties were women and children, with hospitals overwhelmed by the influx of wounded.

International pressure mounted on Israel to adhere to humanitarian law, with calls for respect of the recent World Court ruling. The situation in Gaza was described as “hell on earth” by the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, as neighboring countries condemned the Israeli attack and warned of its potential to derail ceasefire efforts.

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