Israel’s Gaza invasion puts normalization process with Morocco on ice

Trade and cooperation between Morocco and Israel, boosted by their normalization of relations in December 2020, have faced setbacks due to recent events, primarily the war in Gaza and Moroccan public support for the Palestinian cause.

While various sectors, including defense, agriculture, and technology, witnessed growth post-normalization, the October 7th attack by Hamas on Israeli soil triggered a suspension of air links, causing Israeli tourists and investors to withdraw.

Pro-Palestinian demonstrations, reignited by the conflict, have led to renewed calls for a break in Morocco-Israel relations.

The Moroccan government, initially expressing concern over civilian casualties, eventually criticized Israel’s aggression during an Arab-Islamic summit, stopping short of condemning the Hamas attack.

The delicate situation has led to a shift in Rabat’s stance, considering both the desire to maintain relations and the pressure from the public.

Moroccan academic Zakaria Abouddahab emphasizes the nation’s delicate position, balancing a desire for a mutually beneficial relationship with the pressure from the street.

Despite the strains, analysts believe a complete break is unlikely, as the military, security, and economic ties established since 2020 are deemed too strong to sever. Maintaining the relationship while slowing down the pace of interactions seems to be a likely approach.

The evacuation of the Israeli liaison office in Rabat for security reasons in October, while reminiscent of a past breakdown in relations, is not expected to lead to a complete rupture this time.

Analyst Jamal Amiar suggests that Morocco leverage its unique position to play a dynamic role in mediation efforts, given its connections with Israel, other Arab nations, and its substantial Jewish community.

Moroccan Jews, numbering around 3,000, constitute the main Jewish community in North Africa, and around 700,000 Israelis have Moroccan ancestry, maintaining strong ties.

Despite the current challenges, there is optimism among some, such as Jacky Kadoch, a representative of the Jewish community in Marrakech, who highlights the enduring connection between the two countries.

Morocco finds itself in a delicate position, trying to navigate between maintaining a robust relationship with Israel and addressing the sentiments of its population supporting the Palestinian cause.

While recent events have strained ties, a complete break appears unlikely, with the potential for a recalibration of the relationship to accommodate both international and domestic considerations.

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