Muslim World League condemns desecration of Quran in Denmark

An international Islamic organization on Sunday condemned the desecration of the holy Quran in Denmark.

“The Muslim World League condemns in the strongest possible terms the crime of desecrating a copy of the Holy Quran, committed by an extremist in Copenhagen, Denmark, in a repeated disgraceful act that is provocative to the feelings of Muslims,” the Mecca-based non-governmental organization said in a statement.

The organization’s Secretary-General, Mohammed bin Abdulkarim Al-Issa, said such “absurd and heinous acts” violate all religious and human norms and principles.

Al-Issa said these actions, which clash with the values of the international community, are the manifestations of “Islamophobia,” incitement and hatred against Islam and Muslims.

He warned against the dangers of practices that provoke hatred and religious feelings as they only serve the agendas of extremism under the excuse of freedom of expression.

“This extremist concept of freedom is becoming a haven for those who stir up hatred and religious and intellectual conflict,” he added.

On July 21, members of the Islamophobic and far-right nationalist group called “Danske Patrioter” (Danish Patriots) burned a copy of the Quran in front of Iraq’s Embassy in Copenhagen.

They displayed anti-Islamic banners and shouted insulting slogans while disrespectfully handling the Iraqi flag and the Quran.

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