Palestinian solidarity protests held around the world

Demonstrations took place in France, Greece and Geneva while more are scheduled in other big cities.

Pro-Palestine solidarity marches are being held around the world in a continuation of weeklong demonstrations, with protesters demanding their respective governments impose sanctions and a military embargo to cut the supply of weapons to Israel.

The bombings began on Saturday after the Palestinian armed group Hamas launched an unprecedented incursion inside the Israeli territory. More than 1,300 people have been killed in Israel and at least 100 taken captive by Hamas.

The French police have used tear gas and water cannon to disperse protesters who took to the streets in support of the Palestinians, shortly after the government moved to ban all such rallies.

Police broke up a rally in capital Paris on Thursday, following orders from Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin to ban all pro-Palestine demonstrations in the name of “public order”. Critics called the order an attack on civil liberties.

No restrictions have been announced for events in support of Israel.

“Let’s not add, through illusions or calculations, domestic divides to international divides,” French President Emmanuel Macron said on Thursday. “The shield of unity will protect us from hatred and excesses.”

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