WHO, UNICEF warn of devastating measles surge in Europe

Measles cases across Europe continue to surge, and they will soon exceed the number of cases reported throughout 2023, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the UN children’s agency (UNICEF) warned on Tuesday.

According to the latest available data, 56,634 measles cases and four deaths were officially reported across 45 out of 53 countries in the WHO European Region during the first three months of 2024.

Throughout 2023, 61,070 cases and 13 deaths were reported by 41 countries.

The effect of measles is devastating on children’s health, with young children most at risk of severe complications, the world health body warned.

“Even one case of measles should be an urgent call to action,” said Dr. Hans Henri P. Kluge, WHO’s regional director for Europe.

“No one should suffer the consequences of this devastating but easily preventable disease,” he added.

High rates of hospitalization and long-lasting weakening of children’s immune systems make children more vulnerable to other infectious diseases.

Over half of those who contracted measles in the WHO European Region in 2023 were hospitalized, demonstrating the severe burden on individuals, families, and healthcare systems.

Kluge applauded every country that has accelerated their efforts to interrupt transmission through catch-up vaccination.

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