Boat carrying 20 fishermen capsizes in Northeastern Nigeria

At least 20 fishermen died after their boat capsized Monday in the Anyiin area of River Benue in northeastern Nigeria’s Taraba state.

Taraba Governor Agbu Kefas confirmed the incident.

“Today’s boat incident is even more unfortunate, since it comes on the heels of a similar one in Karim Lamido that plunged the state into mourning,” Emmanuel Bello, the spokesman for the governor, quoted him as saying.

According to Taraba State Water Transportation Chairman Alhaji Jidda Suleiman, the boat was carrying fishermen from the Ibi and Wukari local government areas of Taraba to Kwara state.

“I was informed that the fishermen converged and boarded the boat to Kwara state in search of greener pastures, and along the way, they had an accident and over 20 people died.

“Twelve of the dead are from Ibi, while some are from Gareji, in Gindin Doruwa, Wukari Local Government Area of Taraba state,” he added.

He said the governor has condoled with the families of the victims.

“It has been the tradition of our fishermen in Taraba state that once it is close to December, some will travel to Cameroon, some to Chad and other places to fish until August of the following year. It’s unfortunate that the usual tradition turned out to be sorrowful this time.”

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