Egypt starts new Sudan mediation attempt at summit

Egypt has initiated an effort to mediate between the warring factions in Sudan at a regional summit on Thursday, joining a series of international actors aimed at averting an extended civil war and alleviating the escalating humanitarian crisis.

In April, clashes erupted between Sudan’s army and the Rapid Support Forces in the capital city of Khartoum, subsequently spreading to the vulnerable regions of Darfur and Kordofan in the west.

The United Nations has said that over 1,000 civilians have lost their lives, and a staggering 3 million individuals have been displaced, with 700,000 seeking refuge in neighboring nations.

These alarming figures come alongside warnings from the United Nations about a worsening hunger crisis in the region.

Negotiations led by the United States and Saudi Arabia for a series of ceasefires had taken place; however, the talks were halted due to ongoing violations.

In a recent regional East African summit hosted by Ethiopia, the army boycotted the event, alleging bias from the lead sponsor, Kenya.

Two Egyptian security sources revealed that Egypt, known for its longstanding close relationship with the Sudanese army, extended invitations to leaders of Sudan’s neighboring countries for the Thursday summit.

The objective of the summit is to prevent foreign interference in the conflict and provide renewed interest for peace talks.

According to diplomats, a crucial goal for Egypt is to reclaim its position and involvement in a matter where it believes it has been excluded from other regional initiatives.

“All of our brothers in Sudan must uphold the supreme interest and keep Sudan’s politics and unity away from external interference that seeks to achieve narrow interests,” said Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi.

At the summit, Sisi introduced an initiative to the group that centered around key elements, including a ceasefire, the establishment of safe passages for humanitarian aid, the promotion of a comprehensive dialogue, and the implementation of a mechanism for communication with the conflicting parties.

According to Egyptian sources, the Egyptian plan seeks to establish a three-month ceasefire and facilitate the opening of aid routes by engaging in meetings with military and tribal leaders, leveraging longstanding relationships and connections.

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