Germany expressed concern about military intervention in Niger

Germany’s Development Minister expressed grave concern Tuesday about the recent military intervention in Niger and said it poses a significant setback for developmental progress in the Sahel region.

The intervention is “a setback that aggravates the complex development challenges in the country and in the Sahel further,” Svenja Schulze said while on a tour of West Africa.

“We call for the immediate release of President Mohamed Bazoum and for the full restoration of constitutional order in the Republic of Niger, “Schulze, who is also the president of the Sahel Alliance, said at headquarters in Mauritania.

Schulze reiterated the importance of adhering to democratic principles and constitutional governance as fundamental pillars for sustainable development.

Her remarks follow crucial discussions with West African leaders aimed at addressing the crisis and advocating the swift release of Bazoum, along with the urgent restoration of constitutional order.

Schulze will travel Wednesday to Nigeria for governmental talks and she is also set to convene with representatives from the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) blow. Discussions are geared toward fostering a peaceful resolution to the crisis.

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