The recent finding of four bodies on a farm believed to be linked to the Kenyan military has sparked outrage among the local population.
The victims, described as young men, allegedly entered the farm near a Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) barracks in Uasin Gishu county, situated in the Rift Valley region. Reports suggest that they were on the premises to gather leftover maize following a recent harvest. However, it’s been alleged that on Saturday night, they were intercepted and violently assaulted by the farm’s guards.
Local accounts claim that some of the deceased individuals showed signs of having sustained gunshot wounds. Additionally, four other men from the group are presently receiving medical treatment at a local hospital for various injuries, including gunshot wounds and bruises.
Community members have expressed deep dismay, criticizing the use of deadly force by the farm’s security instead of resorting to the apprehension of the intruders.
“They were poor young men struggling to make ends meet. Collecting maize remains was a sign that they were poor and needed to be assisted but not be killed,” a local told privately-owned Standard newspaper.
A police official confirmed an ongoing investigation into the incident, while the Kenya Defence Forces have yet to address the issue publicly.