Morocco says Israel recognizes its sovereignty over Western Sahara

Morocco announced on Monday that Israel has officially acknowledged its sovereignty over the contested region of Western Sahara, and there are discussions underway regarding the possibility of opening an Israeli consulate in the area.

According to a statement issued by Morocco’s royal palace, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu conveyed Israel’s stance on the matter through a letter addressed to King Mohammed VI, confirming Israel’s position regarding the disputed territory of Western Sahara.

The Polisario Front, backed by Algeria, continues to advocate for the establishment of an independent state in Western Sahara.

In 2020, former U.S. President Donald Trump recognized Morocco’s territorial claim over the region in exchange for Morocco’s partial advancement in diplomatic relations with Israel.

According to the statement from Morocco’s royal palace, the letter from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu mentioned that the Israeli position regarding Western Sahara would be conveyed to the United Nations, regional and international organizations, as well as all the countries with which Israel maintains diplomatic relations.

The statement indicates that, as a result of this recognition, Israel is considering the possibility of opening a consulate in the city of Dakhla.

According to a senior government official who spoke to media, Israel’s position on Western Sahara is described as “clear-cut” and aligns with the growing momentum favoring Morocco.

This follows Washington and Madrid, along with several other European capitals, expressing support for Morocco’s autonomy plan for the region.

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