Nigeria and France hold joint naval exercise

France and Nigeria initiated a joint effort in October to counter piracy and trafficking in the Gulf of Guinea, a vital maritime zone.

The French carrier Mistral, in conjunction with five Nigerian navy ships, commenced a four-month mission to bolster security in the area.

Captain Olivier Roussille, Commander of the Mistral, emphasized France’s enduring presence in the Gulf of Guinea, dating back to 1990, with a consistent naval deployment.

Roussille stressed the primary aim of their mission as ensuring maritime security in the Gulf of Guinea, where France maintains significant interests and strong partnerships, notably with Nigeria.

For the Nigerian Navy, these joint naval exercises align with their commitment to the 2013 Yaoundé Protocol, signed by 25 West and Central African governments, alongside regional blocs ECOWAS and ECCAS, with the objective of curbing illicit activities in the region.

Despite the protocol’s positive impact in reducing piracy and armed robbery over the past decade, Nigeria still confronts security challenges such as crude oil theft and illegal oil bunkering, making continued collaborative drills essential in combating piracy effectively.

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