Sahrawi denounces France’s plan to fund projects in disputed region

 France’s intention to use the French Development Agency (AFD) to fund projects in the disputed Sahrawi regions is a “provocative” step, Algerian state media reported on Sunday, citing a statement from Western Sahara’s Information Ministry.

Morocco considers Western Sahara its own but an Algeria-backed independence movement demands a sovereign state.

“This is a dangerous escalation of France’s hostile stance towards the Sahrawi people,” the ministry statement said, adding France’s plan “represents explicit support for Morocco’s illegal occupation of parts of Western Sahara.”

The statement came after France’s foreign trade minister, Franck Riester, visited Morocco last week.

“The renewal of French-Moroccan relations will involve new bridges between our private sectors,” Riester posted on X during his visit.

According to an article in France’s Le Monde newspaper, Riester indicated that the AFD, via its private sector financing arm Proparco, could help fund a project involving a high-voltage power line between Dakhla, Western Sahara’s capital, and the Moroccan port city of Casablanca.

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