Sudan’s al-Burhan bets big on Iran, issues more demands

In a fiery address to the military, General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, leader of Sudan’s armed forces, vows to eradicate the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) completely.

The speech at the 3rd infantry division in Shendi follows reported Sudanese army gains in parts of Omdurman with the use of Mohajer-6 drones supplied by Iran’s revolutionary guards.

Al-Burhan labels the ongoing conflict a ‘Battle of Dignity’ and commits to the armed forces’ relentless efforts until the RSF is entirely eliminated. He emphasizes the refusal to surrender weapons and urges the RSF to evacuate key areas, stating that peace talks are only possible if the RSF agrees to all military demands.

The speech comes after the Sudanese army’s declared progress in Omdurman, announcing the lifting of a prolonged siege on the Engineers Corps. Lt. Gen. Shams al-Din Kabashi, Sudan’s Deputy Commander-in-Chief, outlines peace conditions, linking a ceasefire to the full evacuation of areas, public facilities, and private firms, with RSF soldiers held in designated cantonment sites.

The Sudanese military’s decision to renew ties with Iran is attributed to a quest for military support amid setbacks. Iranian Mohajer-6 drones have been delivered and utilized, with reports of successful downings by the RSF.

An Iranian cargo plane, suspected to transport weapons, has made multiple flights between southern Iran and eastern Sudan.

While military analysts suggest that Iranian assistance may not significantly alter the war’s balance in the short term, it could enable strategic strikes against the RSF.

The renewed ties also signal the growing influence of Islamist factions aligned with the former regime of Omar Al Bashir, raising concerns about the resurgence of Islamist militias in Sudan.

Diplomatic ties between Iran and Sudan were reestablished in October 2023 after a seven-year break. The strengthening of relations coincides with the swift resurgence of Islamist militias and military units associated with or influenced by the SAF in Sudan, posing challenges in a nation already grappling with a devastating civil war between General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan and RSF Commander Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo.

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