What has happened recently in the DRC?

Violence escalated in March 2022 between government-led forces and non-state armed groups. As a result, an estimated 6.2 million people have been displaced. The eastern provinces of North Kivu and Ituri have been particularly affected, with ongoing violent clashes leading to prolonged displacement.

Informal displacement sites have emerged around Goma, the capital of North Kivu, in eastern DRC. Many others have sought refuge in South Kivu Province.

Additionally, areas such as Beni in North Kivu and Bunia in Ituri are experiencing escalating violence and human rights violations caused by armed groups. Violence, displacement, and food insecurity persist in the country as the fighting continues to cause casualties.

Recently The Congolese army and United Nations peacekeepers have been struggling to contain M23’s advance. And as fighting continues, thousands of those who fled Sake have arrived in Bulengo, about 10km (six miles) west of Goma.

Thousands are “on the road right now”, trying to escape the violence and get to Goma. Alongside the escalating violence, extreme weather events are compounding the crisis by devastating lives and livelihoods. In early May 2023, Deadly floods in South Kivu, resulting in the deaths of hundreds of people and the destruction of over 3,000 homes, further worsening the already dire situation in the DRC.

Over the past several years, the DRC has experienced multiple Ebola outbreaks, a critical measles situation, and an increase in suspected cholera cases, according to UNICEF. There is also a high risk of cross-border Ebola transmission to Uganda.

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