Erdogan says Turkey will advance Sweden’s NATO bid

A Turkish official has revealed that Turkey has agreed on Monday to ask its parliament to support Sweden’s NATO membership bid. This decision follows a strings of assurances regarding key demands being fulfilled, including Stockholm’s approach towards supporters of PKK terrorists operating within its territory.

The official also disclosed that progress has been made in addressing Ankara’s demands for the removal of defense-related sanctions.

Furthermore, EU officials have agreed to expedite membership negotiations, encompassing matters such as joining the customs union and granting visa-free travel for Turkish citizens.

Alliance members had hoped they would be able to welcome Sweden into the block at the NATO leaders summit in Vilnius, Lithuania and this breakthrough following months of demanding negotiations came hours ahead of the much anticipated summit.

However, Erdogan has not offered a specific time frame on when he would ask the country’s parliament to ratify Sweden’s NATO bid, official said.

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