Italy’s PM says migration won’t solve Europe’s demographic c...

The Italian premier remarked that migration is no solution to the demographic decline Europe faces, Italy’s state-run ANSA news agency reported on Thursday.

“It is often instrumentally claimed that migration will contribute to the growth of our populations. I do not agree with this narrative,” said Giorgia Meloni during her speech at the Budapest Demographic Summit in the Hungarian capital city.

“Migrants, if fully integrated, can make a contribution, but we have to take greater responsibility for ourselves, as European citizens, finding solutions to the crises of the European system,” she added.

Meloni also praised Hungary’s pro-family policies which she said reversed the declining trend in the country’s population.

“Hungary shows that things can change if we have the courage to make the necessary choices and investments,” she said.

Meloni underlined that supporting families and lifting the birth rate are among the absolute priorities of the Italian government.

The Italian premier later held a meeting with her Hungarian counterpart Viktor Orban and agreed on the need “to act quickly and with determination” in response to the arrival of migrants and refugees in Europe.

“Migration is a common challenge for the European Union that requires a collective response,” said a statement by Meloni’s office following the meeting.

The two leaders also reiterated the need to focus on cooperation with countries of origin to stem migration, added the statement.

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