Malcolm X stood for Palestinian rights

Malcolm X, the influential civil rights leader and human rights activist, was known for his passionate advocacy for the rights and dignity of African Americans during the 1960s. However, his commitment to justice extended beyond the borders of the United States. Malcolm X was a vocal supporter of the Palestinian cause and a critic of Israel’s policies in the Middle East during his lifetime.

Malcolm X’s support for Palestine was rooted in his broader belief in self-determination and anti-colonialism. He saw parallels between the struggles of African Americans in the United States and the Palestinian people living under Israeli occupation. He argued that both groups were fighting against systems of oppression and for the right to control their own destinies.

In 1964, during his pilgrimage to Mecca, Malcolm X’s worldview evolved, and he became more vocal in his support for international causes, including the Palestinian struggle. He witnessed a diverse Muslim world during his pilgrimage, which challenged his earlier views on race and ethnicity. This experience inspired him to work for global solidarity and justice.

Malcolm X’s criticism of Israel was evident in his speeches and interviews. He spoke out against the displacement and suffering of the Palestinian people and criticized the United States for supporting Israel’s actions. He saw the Palestinian issue as a human rights concern that deserved international attention and support.

One of his famous speeches on this topic was delivered on December 20, 1964, at the Audubon Ballroom in New York, just a few months before his assassination. In this speech, he stated:

“The Zionist armies that now occupy Palestine claim their ancient Jewish prophets predicted that in the ‘last days of this world’ their own God would raise them up a ‘messiah’ who would lead them to their promised land, and they would set up their own ‘divine’ government in this newly-gained land, this ‘divine’ government would enable them to ‘rule the world.'”

Malcolm X’s views on Israel and Palestine were complex and reflective of his evolving political and religious beliefs. His support for the Palestinian cause was part of his broader commitment to global justice and self-determination. While he remains a central figure in the civil rights movement, his stance on international issues, including Palestine, serves as a reminder of his enduring legacy as a champion for human rights.

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