Yemeni PM, Egyptian FM discuss Red Sea tensions

Yemeni Prime Minister Ahmed bin Mubarak held talks over the phone on Sunday with Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry to discuss growing tensions in the Red Sea.

The discussions dwelt on the impact of the current escalation in the Red Sea on Yemen, Egypt and countries of the region, the Yemeni state news agency Saba reported.

The talks also took up Israeli atrocities in the Gaza Strip and the provision of humanitarian and relief assistance to the Palestinians, Saba said.

British ship Rubymar sank in the Red Sea on Saturday, days after it was attacked by the Houthi group in Yemen. Houthis refused to salvage the sunken British vessel until humanitarian aid is allowed into the Gaza Strip.

The Houthi group has been targeting cargo ships in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden owned or operated by Israeli companies or transporting goods to and from Israel in solidarity with the Gaza Strip, which has been under an Israeli onslaught since Oct. 7.

With tensions escalating due to joint strikes by the US and UK against Houthi targets in Yemen, the group declared that it considered all American and British ships legitimate military targets.

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