Ax-3 space mission begins journey to International Space Station

The Ax-3 space mission began its journey to the International Space Station (ISS) on Thursday, blasting off from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center with its four-person crew.

It launched from SpaceX’s facility in Cape Canaveral, Florida at 4.49 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (ET) (2149GMT) on a Falcon 9 rocket of private space exploration company SpaceX.

Around 150 seconds after the launch, the main engine cut off and stage separation was realized.

After some 7.5 minutes, the Falcon 9 rocket turned back to Earth and landed.

Nearly nine minutes after the launch, the second engine also cut off.

The Dragon capsule, carrying the crew, deployed after some 12 minutes from the launch.

The crew is expected to dock at the ISS at approximately 5.15 a.m. ET (1015GMT) on Saturday.

The Ax-3 mission is being led by Michael Lopez-Alegria, representing the US and Spain, while the crew also includes Walter Villadei as the pilot, from the Italian Air Force, and Marcus Wandt of Sweden, representing the European Space Agency.

The liftoff was initially planned for Jan. 9 but was postponed twice to Jan. 17 and then to Jan. 18.

The 70-meter (229-foot) Falcon 9 rocket, with a diameter of 3.7 meters and weight of roughly 550 tons, has a payload capacity of 22,000 kilograms (over 24 tons) in low Earth orbit, 8,300 kg in geostationary transfer orbit and 4,000 kg on Mars.

The 8.1-meter Dragon capsule, which can carry seven people or an equal amount of cargo in its pressurized area with air flow inside, is capable of carrying cargo in its unpressurized rear section.

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